Raising the innovation standard of fertiliser development has been the aim for Profile Fertilisers since their beginning in 2018
A new product ‘Elevate’ is an exciting development and has excelled during early test trials
Elevate is just one of a range of fertiliser products that have been designed by the Profile team
Profile have manufacturing plants located in Pahiatua and Dannevirke
The Developers
Dr Gordon Rajendram
The development of Profile Fertiliser products has been overseen by scientific advisor; Dr Gordon Rajendram, PhD
Gordon has 35 years’ experience in soil testing and applied agricultural research
Don Henderson
As part of the Profile team, Don has applied his 24 years experience in all aspects of fertiliser to be the driver in developing Elevate
He and the team not only designed Elevate from the ground up, but also designed and built the specialised machinery required to produce Elevate
“Elevate only requires small application rates compared with ag lime to achieve the same results”
Farmers in the central to lower parts of the North Island are recognising Elevate as the perfect product to lift soil pH.
Applying agricultural lime to hill country farms has become expensive. This is mostly due to freight and flying costs and especially when the farm is some distance from a lime quarry. Elevate was designed to be a cost-effective alternative method to applying agricultural lime on remote hill country farms to lift soil pH. The Elevate product can be applied with other fertiliser products such as Phosphate & Sulphur as it is compatible and does not react.
Profile Fertilisers prioritise their relationship with farmers and are passionate in helping them to get the best results possible. The developers have shown this through years of effort in research and development initially for their phosphate products and now for Elevate. Low-cost per hectare and efficient application of Elevate keeps the farmer happy and coming back each year.
Profile Fertilisers high quality products are dedicated to limiting their environmental footprint with the slow releasing nature of their range of fertilisers. These products have reduced runoff and leaching.
Profile Fertilisers intend to continue with further research and development to improve the viability of products – especially in the areas of phosphate efficiency and biologically driven nitrogen products.
To view the full range of Profile Fertilisers current products click here
To get in touch with Don Henderson and the Profile Fertiliser team and to find out more about Elevate
Phone +64 021 643 698 or Freephone 06 353 2200
Gordon Rajendram science advisor 021 466 077
Remember to get your farm soil tested – preferably annually. Knowledge is the key.
NZ patent number NZ 773 858
Australian patent number AU 202 1900 698
Don Henderson
Company Director
Phone: 021 643 698
Freephone: 06 353 2200
Email: donh@profilefert.co.nz
Website: www.profilefert.co.nz
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