Tips for getting financial help for renters from leading finance company Yes Finance.

Keeping a roof over your head is, unfortunately, more difficult these days.

According to a survey from Wellington-based Renters United two out of every three renters had reported that their income dropped by more than a third.

If you are one of these renters, you are not alone and there are avenues of support that can help you get through these difficult times. The leading finance experts Yes Finance have outlined below where you can get help.

Financial Support

People who have lost their jobs or had their income reduced can go to the Ministry of Social Development and apply for different kinds of financial support.

Renters, in particular, should apply for the accommodation supplement. “The accommodation supplement is a grant that you can get on top of other benefits which helps people with their rent or board,” says Yes Finance Owner and Director, Peter Steel.

Check out Yes Finance’s post on Strategies to deal with Financial Stress

Your Rights

Knowing your rights as a renter is important to ensure that you are not being taken advantage of. The Residential Tenancies Act 1986 (RTA) is the law governing residential tenancies and outlines the rights and responsibilities of tenants and landlords. You can check out your rights on the Tenants Protection Association website. “Sometimes things can go wrong when you’re renting, so it’s vitally important to know what your options are and to know how to ask for help,” adds Peter.

Healthy Home

According to Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, rental homes are often well below the World Health Organisation’s recommended minimum indoor temperature of 18°C. The Healthy Homes Guarantee Act will require landlords to ensure rental properties are warm and dry by installing a heating source or adequate insulation.

If your landlord hasn’t complied with the standards, talk to your landlord about it first. If that doesn’t work, you can apply to the Tenancy Tribunal to solve the issue.


Navigating all of the financial help applications can be confusing and daunting, especially if it is your first time doing it. If this is something that you are worried about you can contact the Citizens Advice Bureau if you want to have an advocate help you through the system and to ensure you are getting all the aid you are entitled to.

If you have any questions or issues about what financial help renters can get, don’t hesitate to contact the friendly finance professionals over at Yes Finance. The team has a reputation for providing excellent customer service and making sure that you are financially stable after borrowing.