Craig Wise Health and Fitness in Hamilton is dedicated to helping people achieve their fitness goals for physical and mental wellbeing through massage.
Offering a more holistic approach to health and wellness, Craig Wise Health and Fitness offers one on one personal massage sessions that are specifically customized to the needs of the individual and helping them achieve their health and fitness needs.
But how does massage therapy help you stay fit and healthy? Firstly the physical effects of massage in bringing extra blood flow to the area and relaxing the muscle are the most known benefits. Secondly, a massage also allows you reset, rejuvenate and being ready to go again. “You will never be the person with the same body you had when you were a teenager or early twenties, but you can have better health and fitness with some self-care,” says Craig.
Massage therapy is so much more than feel good effect of having your muscles rubbed down, although that is great benefit, its as much a mental and spiritual experience as it is physical one. “Often in our busy day to day lives we forget to take time to turn off and let the batteries recharge,” advises Craig.
Because a lot of us lead those busy lives, Craig also takes his massage on the road as a mobile service. “Whether that is through a relaxation massage, a sports massage or something somewhere in between the two. For some it’s even a step further back than that and re-energising through a reiki massage session,” advises Craig.
“Massage and personal training aren’t just for the rich and famous and that everyone should do it and deserves it,” adds Craig. So, if you are looking to make a positive change in your life, contact Craig Wise Health and Fitness. Craig will take into account where you are at with your health and fitness, your lifestyle, where you want to go and plan out a holistic approach so you can achieve your health and fitness goals.
Contact Craig Wise Health and Fitness
021 521 777
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Phone: 0274 587 724