The importance of having your compressor serviced at the correct interval and with genuine parts with Leading worldwide industrial giant Atlas Copco New Zealand.
Quality service is critical to ensure you get the most out of your air compressor says Frans Prins, Field Service Engineer in Auckland for industrial products and solutions giant Atlas Copco New Zealand in their recently debuted video.
“Every machine is designed to a specific purpose and needs to be serviced at the correct time and intervals to uphold the performance of the machine,” says Frans
Every part is subject to wear and needs to be replaced at specific intervals. As the manufacturer, Atlas Copco New Zealand know exactly which parts are needed and when, saving you time and resources.
“All our parts are vigorously tried and tested on OEM standards and international standards to ensure for a long-lasting machine,” adds Frans.
Genuine air compressor parts from Atlas Copco New Zealand are the only ones that are properly designed for your air compressor. By keeping your system integrity intact, they ensure the high-performance level you expect from Atlas Copco New Zealand equipment.
Having your compressor serviced by well trained and skilled Atlas Copco technician will have a positive effect on your operational performance. At Atlas Copco New Zealand’s air compressor maintenance and service technicians are located throughout the country and have local expertise of the conditions where you are working.
By having your compressor serviced at the correct interval and with genuine parts ensures the best quality air and will significantly decrease the danger of breakdowns and production interruptions.
This saves time and ensures your machine is given the precise maintenance that is necessary to keep it working faultlessly.
“At Atlas Copco we can offer you a standby unit that you can use, while we service your machine,” advises Frans.
About Atlas Copco:
Based in Stockholm, Sweden, Atlas Copco provides efficient and innovative industrial equipment, with over 40, 000 employees and customers in over 180 countries. With a vision of “First in Mind, First in Choice,” Atlas Copco have become internationally renowned for the safety, sustainability and durability of the many different solutions and innovations they provide.